USA 512-794-8907 | Canada 902-275-4555

Getting started is simple.

Your personalized protocol begins with an initial consultation to discuss your medical history, current situation, and decide if LaValley MD Protocols are a good fit for you. Give us a call to clarify any questions you have or request your initial consultation with Dr. LaValley. USA 512-794-8907 | Canada 902-275-4555
The Science Behind the Protocols

Starting Your LaValley MD Protocol

A simplified look at getting a personalized protocol based on your specific cancer type and personal biology. Continue reading for a more in depth description of the consultation process.

1. Initial Consultation

Your initial meeting will be an online meeting held via ‘Go To Meeting,’ an easy to access website that allows you to see Dr. LaValley’s computer screen.

The main goal will be to discuss your medical history and current situation so Dr. LaValley can understand as much as possible about your case to begin developing your protocol.

2. Your Personalized Protocol

Dr. LaValley will develop a protocol for your specific medical circumstances.

Dr. LaValley discusses the evidence-based, molecularly-targeted, anti-cancer protocol options with your treating physician(s). If you don’t have an Integrative Medicine physician yet, Dr. LaValley can help you find one in your region.

3. On-going Consultations

Optimize your long-term cancer management with continued treatment recommendations that respond to changing circumstances.

Dr. LaValley can provide ongoing protocols as your situation changes, for instance your protocol will change when your chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy changes.


1. Initial Consultation

Discuss your medical history, current situation, and decide if LaValley Protocols are a good fit for you.

Before Consultation: Provide Medical History

Taking the time to prepare for your consultation can greatly increase the amount of information Dr. LaValley is able to provide you and your family.

Before the meeting, you will be asked to share as much key medical history as you can which will include:

  • latest blood work,
  • latest CT/MRI/PET/ultrasound scan reports,
  • details of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy treatment,
  • and other major treatments

If you don’t have these on hand, they are easy to get from your doctor(s).

Before Consultation: Read Molecular Science 101

You probably didn’t major in molecular science, and that’s ok. We don’t expect you to become fully engrossed in the workings of the science behind your treatment, but it’s important that you get a basic idea of how and why your treatment works.

Before the consultation, we encourage you to read a few pages that we’ll share with you about molecular science. This will improve your knowledge and can help reduce your consultation time (and cost).

On the call, Dr. LaValley will share more about the science behind his treatment plans. He’ll help you understand how a robust, molecularly-targeted, anti-cancer treatment protocol may be developed for your case.

The Consultation

GoToMeeting is a video and screen-sharing website that’s very easy to use. You’ll access the meeting with your computer or iPad using a link that we’ll share with you. We use GoToMeeting so that you can see Dr. LaValley’s computer screen. This allows us to share appropriate scientific and medical information about building personalized protocols.

This meeting will last 1-1½ hours and can last longer if you wish to spend more time discussing your case and the molecular science behind the protocols.

Requesting Your Protocol

After your consultation ends, we will give the expected cost and time to build your personalized, evidence-based, molecularly-targeted protocol.

We encourage you to discuss with your family and loved ones, and to take the time you need to determine whether you want to get a personalized protocol developed for your case.

If you decide to request a personal protocol, Dr. LaValley will develop your treatment plan and deliver it to your treating physician.

Consultation Fee

The fee is $350.00 USD per hour.
The fee for Canadians living in Canada is $350.00 CAD per hour.

2. Building Your Personal Protocol

Receive your personalized plan that is an evidence-based, multi-molecularly-targeted anti-cancer treatment protocol that works in addition to (not instead of) conventional oncology treatment.

Building your personalized anti-cancer protocol

Dr. LaValley develops a personalized anti-cancer treatment protocol for your case.

These treatment recommendations are meticulously researched at the molecular level utilizing published, evidence-based, peer-reviewed medical and scientific data accessed through the PubMed citation database.


Delivering the protocol to your preferred Integrative Doctor

Dr. LaValley shares your plan with you and your Integrative Medicine doctor.

If you don’t have an Integrative Medicine physician able to receive and consider the treatment choices, Dr. LaValley can help you find one in your region.

Implementing your treatment protocol

You are encouraged to diligently implement your protocol that will be administered by your local doctor. Dr. LaValley recommends following-up with him to discuss your progress so he may update treatment recommendations to your physician.

People who diligently implement their personalized protocols consistently have achieved better, stronger, and longer lives. Review selected patient case details.

3. On-going Consultations

Ongoing, situation-specific treatment recommendations to respond to changing circumstances.

Optimize long-term cancer management

Dr. LaValley can continue to provide ongoing, situation-specific treatment protocol recommendations that respond to changing medical circumstances.

On-going ‘Cancer Navigation’

There are numerous conventional and complementary medicine treatment options out there. Dr. LaValley can help you navigate these options. His keen medical insight and deep understanding of the potential benefits and risks can help you weed through the extensive information (and information overload).

Simply put, Dr. LaValley can utilize his knowledge to provide reliable, unbiased advice about possible cancer treatments and choices you may not learn about from your local oncology team.

Give us a call to clarify any questions you have or request your initial consultation with Dr. LaValley.

USA 512-794-8907 | Canada 902-275-4555 |

We schedule your consultation as soon as possible, as we know every cancer case is urgent.